Comments 2
Funny and cute, I love Sheriff Poo
Nice video, I subscribed to you
This is great, fantastic
Brill, This is pure magic
Koit you are so digusting
He is such a crazy thing
This makes me sick, I am girl
The worst channel in the world
Oh no, This guy is a twat
So gay, What the hell is that
Best song ever made, That is awesome
Koit is love koit is life, wow best bum
This is incredible
Beautiful, wonderful
Poo Poo Poooooo
Dirty, I hate all your songs
I was not in it, so wrong
Ummmmmm this isn't even banned
Inappropriate, Oh man
This is ugly, Cringe Alertttt
I hope you all die, Pervert
Great stuff, perfect
How disease
Kill me please
Come on man what's wrong with you
You are gross man, Really dude
Ummmm, Why does this still exist
I hate koit, OMG, Piss
Well I'm not sleeping today
Ur a dickhead, Go away