The Swear Song 2
I love to swear
Expletives everywhere
No word's censored
Bastard and git
Arse, gash and bitch
Wank, dump and snatch
And then motherfucker
Bellend and knob
Minge, wanker, sod
Bullshit and clunge, and then damn
I love to swear
Cos I don't care
No word's censored
Dick, balls and cock
Piss, turd and fock
Bollocks and cunt
And then buggeration
Asshole and tits
Fuck, prick and shit
Pussy and wank and then twat
Cocksucker, crap
Bugger, pissflaps
Son of a bitch
And then holy fucksticks
Fucker and frig
Tosser, horseshit
Fock off you cunty Mctwat