What would you do if you had a really long foreskin ?
Author: Koit
One man has a secret friend. A friend who likes to probe.
Skin troubles, lots of.
Trudy continues her pooey adventures in the asylum.
Watch him eat. He just loves a cakey party.
It’s Christmas and Steve’s in the Shativity.
More random clips and ideas that I have strung together to make this strange amalgam of an animation.
Celebrate Halloween by touching things.
I created this flash animation for the Albino Blacksheep tournament of flash artists 2013, round 3. The theme was “Different parts making one whole”. I had to include an homage to a famous work of art. I chose “The Scream”. I did not make it to the final.
I created this flash animation for the Albino Blacksheep tournament of flash artists 2013, round 2. The theme was “… is crazy because”. I had to include a Tuxedo in the animation. This saw me through to the semi finals (round 3).