Cat Vader returns for his 3rd adventure.
This time, everything is prey.
Cat Vader returns for his 3rd adventure.
This time, everything is prey.
A nice family friendly animation this time.
A simple song and animation about chocolate and sweets. Can’t be any easier to understand.
I created this flash animation for the Albino Blacksheep tournament of flash artists 2011, round 2. The theme was the worst date or meeting ever. This was my last effort for the tournament as I did not make it through the round.
I created this little flash animation for the Albino Blacksheep tournament of flash artists 2011, round 1.
The theme was to hype yourself up.
More random clips and ideas that I have strung together to make this straing amalgam of an animation. Some animations are old and have never been seen before, the majority are new skits.